SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
// Set the number of snowflakes (more than 30 - 60 not recommended)
var snowmax=60
// Set the colors for the snow. Add as many colors as you like
var snowcolor=new Array("#d4d4e5","#ddddff","#ccccdd","#f3f3f3","#f0ffff","#ffffff")
// Set the fonts, that create the snowflakes. Add as many fonts as you like
var snowtype=new Array("Times","Arial","Times","Verdana","Arial Black","Comic Sans MS")
// Set the letter that creates your snowflake (recommended: * )
var snowletter="*"
// Set the speed of sinking (recommended values range from 0.3 to 2)
var sinkspeed=0.5
// Set the maximum-size of your snowflakes
var snowmaxsize=48
// Set the minimal-size of your snowflakes
var snowminsize=20
// Set the snowing-zone
// Set 1 for all-over-snowing, set 2 for left-side-snowing
// Set 3 for center-snowing, set 4 for right-side-snowing
var snowingzone=1
// Do not edit below this line
var snow=new Array()
var marginbottom
var marginright
var timer
var i_snow=0
var x_mv=new Array();
var crds=new Array();
var lftrght=new Array();
var browserinfos=navigator.userAgent
var ie5=document.all&&document.getElementById&&!browserinfos.match(/Opera/)
var ns6=document.getElementById&&!document.all
var opera=browserinfos.match(/Opera/)
var browserok=ie5||ns6||opera
function randommaker(range) {
return rand
function initsnow() {
if (ie5 || opera) {
marginbottom = document.body.scrollHeight
marginright = document.body.clientWidth-15
else if (ns6) {
marginbottom = document.body.scrollHeight
marginright = window.innerWidth-15
var snowsizerange=snowmaxsize-snowminsize
for (i=0;i<=snowmax;i++) {
crds[i] = 0;
lftrght[i] = Math.random()*15;
x_mv[i] = 0.03 + Math.random()/10;
if (snowingzone==1) {snow[i].posx=randommaker(marginright-snow[i].size)}
if (snowingzone==2) {snow[i].posx=randommaker(marginright/2-snow[i].size)}
if (snowingzone==3) {snow[i].posx=randommaker(marginright/2-snow[i].size)+marginright/4}
if (snowingzone==4) {snow[i].posx=randommaker(marginright/2-snow[i].size)+marginright/2}
function movesnow() {
for (i=0;i<=snowmax;i++) {
crds[i] += x_mv[i];
if (snow[i].posy>=marginbottom-2*snow[i].size || parseInt(snow[i].style.left)>(marginright-3*lftrght[i])){
if (snowingzone==1) {snow[i].posx=randommaker(marginright-snow[i].size)}
if (snowingzone==2) {snow[i].posx=randommaker(marginright/2-snow[i].size)}
if (snowingzone==3) {snow[i].posx=randommaker(marginright/2-snow[i].size)+marginright/4}
if (snowingzone==4) {snow[i].posx=randommaker(marginright/2-snow[i].size)+marginright/2}
var timer=setTimeout("movesnow()",50)
for (i=0;i<=snowmax;i++) {
document.write("<span id='s"+i+"' style='position:absolute;top:-"+snowmaxsize+"'>"+snowletter+"</span>")
if (browserok) {
<script type="text/javascript">
document.title = '';
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