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Beitrag22.07.2011 um 20:25 (UTC)    
Titel: Slideshow Problem!

Hallo ich hab ein problem und zwar möchte ich eine Slideshow einfügen wo muss ich diesen code genau einfügen?
Bilder schon eingesetzt

Coin Slider jQuery plugin CSS styles
.coin-slider {
.coin-slider a {
/* buttons for switching */
.cs-buttons {
margin:8px 0;
.cs-buttons a {
margin:0 2px;
background:url( no-repeat center center;
.cs-buttons a.cs-active {
/* text in slider */
.cs-title {
padding:16px 60px 16px 24px;
background:url( repeat left top;
.cs-title big {
/* buttons Next and Prew */
.cs-prev, .cs-next {
background:url( repeat left top;
padding:0 10px;
Beitrag22.07.2011 um 20:31 (UTC)    

Das muss bei CSS Code ohne Styletags rein. Dann fehlt da aber noch etwas, dass du bei Text über dem Design einfügen kannst
Gruß Pexxi
Beitrag22.07.2011 um 20:34 (UTC)    

Was den?
Beitrag22.07.2011 um 20:36 (UTC)    
Titel: Hallo-

Warum nicht diese Codes?

<style type="text/css">#title {display:none;}</style> <script type="text/javascript"> // There are two objects defined in this file: // "slide" - contains all the information for a single slide // "slideshow" - consists of multiple slide objects and runs the slidleshow //================================================== // slide object //================================================== function slide(src,link,text,target,attr) { // This is the constructor function for the slide object. // It is called automatically when you create a new slide object. // For example: // s = new slide(); // Image URL this.src = src; // Link URL = link; // Text to display this.text = text; // Name of the target window ("_blank") = target; // Custom duration for the slide, in milliseconds. // This is an optional parameter. // this.timeout = 3000 // Attributes for the target window: // width=n,height=n,resizable=yes or no,scrollbars=yes or no, // toolbar=yes or no,location=yes or no,directories=yes or no, // status=yes or no,menubar=yes or no,copyhistory=yes or no // Example: "width=200,height=300" this.attr = attr; // Create an image object for the slide if (document.images) { this.image = new Image(); } // Flag to tell when load() has already been called this.loaded = false; //-------------------------------------------------- this.load = function() { // This method loads the image for the slide if (!document.images) { return; } if (!this.loaded) { this.image.src = this.src; this.loaded = true; } } //-------------------------------------------------- this.hotlink = function() { // This method jumps to the slide's link. // If a window was specified for the slide, then it opens a new window. var mywindow; // If this slide does not have a link, do nothing if (! return; // Open the link in a separate window? if ( { // If window attributes are specified, // use them to open the new window if (this.attr) { mywindow =,, this.attr); } else { // If window attributes are not specified, do not use them // (this will copy the attributes from the originating window) mywindow =,; } // Pop the window to the front if (mywindow && mywindow.focus) mywindow.focus(); } else { // Open the link in the current window location.href =; } } } //================================================== // slideshow object //================================================== function slideshow( slideshowname ) { // This is the constructor function for the slideshow object. // It is called automatically when you create a new object. // For example: // ss = new slideshow("ss"); // Name of this object // (required if you want your slideshow to auto-play) // For example, "SLIDES1" = slideshowname; // When we reach the last slide, should we loop around to start the // slideshow again? this.repeat = true; // Number of images to pre-fetch. // -1 = preload all images. // 0 = load each image is it is used. // n = pre-fetch n images ahead of the current image. // I recommend preloading all images unless you have large // images, or a large amount of images. this.prefetch = -1; // IMAGE element on your HTML page. // For example, document.images.SLIDES1IMG this.image; // ID of a DIV element on your HTML page that will contain the text. // For example, "slides2text" // Note: after you set this variable, you should call // the update() method to update the slideshow display. this.textid; // TEXTAREA element on your HTML page. // For example, document.SLIDES1FORM.SLIDES1TEXT // This is a depracated method for displaying the text, // but you might want to supply it for older browsers. this.textarea; // Milliseconds to pause between slides. // Individual slides can override this. this.timeout = 7000; // Hook functions to be called before and after updating the slide // this.pre_update_hook = function() { } // this.post_update_hook = function() { } // These are private variables this.slides = new Array(); this.current = 0; this.timeoutid = 0; //-------------------------------------------------- // Public methods //-------------------------------------------------- this.add_slide = function(slide) { // Add a slide to the slideshow. // For example: // SLIDES1.add_slide(new slide("s1.jpg", "link.html")) var i = this.slides.length; // Prefetch the slide image if necessary if (this.prefetch == -1) { slide.load(); } this.slides[i] = slide; } //-------------------------------------------------- = function(timeout) { // This method implements the automatically running slideshow. // If you specify the "timeout" argument, then a new default // timeout will be set for the slideshow. // Make sure we're not already playing this.pause(); // If the timeout argument was specified (optional) // then make it the new default if (timeout) { this.timeout = timeout; } // If the current slide has a custom timeout, use it; // otherwise use the default timeout if (typeof this.slides[ this.current ].timeout != 'undefined') { timeout = this.slides[ this.current ].timeout; } else { timeout = this.timeout; } // After the timeout, call this.loop() this.timeoutid = setTimeout( + ".loop()", timeout); } //-------------------------------------------------- this.pause = function() { // This method stops the slideshow if it is automatically running. if (this.timeoutid != 0) { clearTimeout(this.timeoutid); this.timeoutid = 0; } } //-------------------------------------------------- this.update = function() { // This method updates the slideshow image on the page // Make sure the slideshow has been initialized correctly if (! this.valid_image()) { return; } // Call the pre-update hook function if one was specified if (typeof this.pre_update_hook == 'function') { this.pre_update_hook(); } // Convenience variable for the current slide var slide = this.slides[ this.current ]; // Determine if the browser supports filters var dofilter = false; if (this.image && typeof this.image.filters != 'undefined' && typeof this.image.filters[0] != 'undefined') { dofilter = true; } // Load the slide image if necessary slide.load(); // Apply the filters for the image transition if (dofilter) { // If the user has specified a custom filter for this slide, // then set it now if (slide.filter && && { = slide.filter; } this.image.filters[0].Apply(); } // Update the image. this.image.src = slide.image.src; // Play the image transition filters if (dofilter) { this.image.filters[0].Play(); } // Update the text this.display_text(); // Call the post-update hook function if one was specified if (typeof this.post_update_hook == 'function') { this.post_update_hook(); } // Do we need to pre-fetch images? if (this.prefetch > 0) { var next, prev, count; // Pre-fetch the next slide image(s) next = this.current; prev = this.current; count = 0; do { // Get the next and previous slide number // Loop past the ends of the slideshow if necessary if (++next >= this.slides.length) next = 0; if (--prev < 0) prev = this.slides.length - 1; // Preload the slide image this.slides[next].load(); this.slides[prev].load(); // Keep going until we have fetched // the designated number of slides } while (++count < this.prefetch); } } //-------------------------------------------------- this.goto_slide = function(n) { // This method jumpts to the slide number you specify. // If you use slide number -1, then it jumps to the last slide. // You can use this to make links that go to a specific slide, // or to go to the beginning or end of the slideshow. // Examples: // onClick="myslides.goto_slide(0)" // onClick="myslides.goto_slide(-1)" // onClick="myslides.goto_slide(5)" if (n == -1) { n = this.slides.length - 1; } if (n < this.slides.length && n >= 0) { this.current = n; } this.update(); } //-------------------------------------------------- this.goto_random_slide = function(include_current) { // Picks a random slide (other than the current slide) and // displays it. // If the include_current parameter is true, // then // See also: shuffle() var i; // Make sure there is more than one slide if (this.slides.length > 1) { // Generate a random slide number, // but make sure it is not the current slide do { i = Math.floor(Math.random()*this.slides.length); } while (i == this.current); // Display the slide this.goto_slide(i); } } //-------------------------------------------------- = function() { // This method advances to the next slide. // Increment the image number if (this.current < this.slides.length - 1) { this.current++; } else if (this.repeat) { this.current = 0; } this.update(); } //-------------------------------------------------- this.previous = function() { // This method goes to the previous slide. // Decrement the image number if (this.current > 0) { this.current--; } else if (this.repeat) { this.current = this.slides.length - 1; } this.update(); } //-------------------------------------------------- this.shuffle = function() { // This method randomly shuffles the order of the slides. var i, i2, slides_copy, slides_randomized; // Create a copy of the array containing the slides // in sequential order slides_copy = new Array(); for (i = 0; i < this.slides.length; i++) { slides_copy[i] = this.slides[i]; } // Create a new array to contain the slides in random order slides_randomized = new Array(); // To populate the new array of slides in random order, // loop through the existing slides, picking a random // slide, removing it from the ordered list and adding it to // the random list. do { // Pick a random slide from those that remain i = Math.floor(Math.random()*slides_copy.length); // Add the slide to the end of the randomized array slides_randomized[ slides_randomized.length ] = slides_copy[i]; // Remove the slide from the sequential array, // so it cannot be chosen again for (i2 = i + 1; i2 < slides_copy.length; i2++) { slides_copy[i2 - 1] = slides_copy[i2]; } slides_copy.length--; // Keep going until we have removed all the slides } while (slides_copy.length); // Now set the slides to the randomized array this.slides = slides_randomized; } //-------------------------------------------------- this.get_text = function() { // This method returns the text of the current slide return(this.slides[ this.current ].text); } //-------------------------------------------------- this.get_all_text = function(before_slide, after_slide) { // Return the text for all of the slides. // For the text of each slide, add "before_slide" in front of the // text, and "after_slide" after the text. // For example: // document.write("<ul>"); // document.write(s.get_all_text("<li>","n")); // document.write("</ul>"); all_text = ""; // Loop through all the slides in the slideshow for (i=0; i < this.slides.length; i++) { slide = this.slides[i]; if (slide.text) { all_text += before_slide + slide.text + after_slide; } } return(all_text); } //-------------------------------------------------- this.display_text = function(text) { // Display the text for the current slide // If the "text" arg was not supplied (usually it isn't), // get the text from the slideshow if (!text) { text = this.slides[ this.current ].text; } // If a textarea has been specified, // then change the text displayed in it if (this.textarea && typeof this.textarea.value != 'undefined') { this.textarea.value = text; } // If a text id has been specified, // then change the contents of the HTML element if (this.textid) { r = this.getElementById(this.textid); if (!r) { return false; } if (typeof r.innerHTML == 'undefined') { return false; } // Update the text r.innerHTML = text; } } //-------------------------------------------------- this.hotlink = function() { // This method calls the hotlink() method for the current slide. this.slides[ this.current ].hotlink(); } //-------------------------------------------------- this.save_position = function(cookiename) { // Saves the position of the slideshow in a cookie, // so when you return to this page, the position in the slideshow // won't be lost. if (!cookiename) { cookiename = + '_slideshow'; } document.cookie = cookiename + '=' + this.current; } //-------------------------------------------------- this.restore_position = function(cookiename) { // If you previously called slideshow_save_position(), // returns the slideshow to the previous state. //Get cookie code by Shelley Powers if (!cookiename) { cookiename = + '_slideshow'; } var search = cookiename + "="; if (document.cookie.length > 0) { offset = document.cookie.indexOf(search); // if cookie exists if (offset != -1) { offset += search.length; // set index of beginning of value end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset); // set index of end of cookie value if (end == -1) end = document.cookie.length; this.current = parseInt(unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, end))); } } } //-------------------------------------------------- this.noscript = function() { // This method is not for use as part of your slideshow, // but you can call it to get a plain HTML version of the slideshow // images and text. // You should copy the HTML and put it within a NOSCRIPT element, to // give non-javascript browsers access to your slideshow information. // This also ensures that your slideshow text and images are indexed // by search engines. $html = "n"; // Loop through all the slides in the slideshow for (i=0; i < this.slides.length; i++) { slide = this.slides[i]; $html += '<P>'; if ( { $html += '<a href="' + + '">'; } $html += '<img src="' + slide.src + '" ALT="FINCA International">'; if ( { $html += "</a>"; } if (slide.text) { $html += "<BR>n" + slide.text; } $html += "</P>" + "nn"; } // Make the HTML browser-safe $html = $html.replace(/&/g, "&" ); $html = $html.replace(/</g, "<" ); $html = $html.replace(/>/g, ">" ); return('<pre>' + $html + '</pre>'); } //================================================== // Private methods //================================================== //-------------------------------------------------- this.loop = function() { // This method is for internal use only. // This method gets called automatically by a JavaScript timeout. // It advances to the next slide, then sets the next timeout. // If the next slide image has not completed loading yet, // then do not advance to the next slide yet. // Make sure the next slide image has finished loading if (this.current < this.slides.length - 1) { next_slide = this.slides[this.current + 1]; if (next_slide.image.complete == null || next_slide.image.complete) {; } } else { // we're at the last slide; } // Keep playing the slideshow ); } //-------------------------------------------------- this.valid_image = function() { // Returns 1 if a valid image has been set for the slideshow if (!this.image) { return false; } else { return true; } } //-------------------------------------------------- this.getElementById = function(element_id) { // This method returns the element corresponding to the id if (document.getElementById) { return document.getElementById(element_id); } else if (document.all) { return document.all[element_id]; } else if (document.layers) { return document.layers[element_id]; } else { return undefined; } } //================================================== // Deprecated methods // I don't recommend the use of the following methods, // but they are included for backward compatibility. // You can delete them if you don't need them. //================================================== //-------------------------------------------------- this.set_image = function(imageobject) { // This method is deprecated; you should use // the following code instead: // s.image = document.images.myimagename; // s.update(); if (!document.images) return; this.image = imageobject; } //-------------------------------------------------- this.set_textarea = function(textareaobject) { // This method is deprecated; you should use // the following code instead: // s.textarea = document.form.textareaname; // s.update(); this.textarea = textareaobject; this.display_text(); } //-------------------------------------------------- this.set_textid = function(textidstr) { // This method is deprecated; you should use // the following code instead: // s.textid = "mytextid"; // s.update(); this.textid = textidstr; this.display_text(); } } </script> <SCRIPT type="text/javascript"> SLIDES = new slideshow("SLIDES"); s = new slide(); s.src = "url von Bild Nummer 1"; s.text = ""; SLIDES.add_slide(s); s = new slide(); s.src = "url von Bild Nummer 2"; s.text = ""; SLIDES.add_slide(s); s = new slide(); s.src = "url von Bild Nummer 3"; s.text = ""; SLIDES.add_slide(s); s = new slide(); s.src = "url von Bild Nummer 4"; s.text = ""; SLIDES.add_slide(s); s = new slide(); s.src = "url von Bild Nummer 5"; s.text = ""; SLIDES.add_slide(s); s = new slide(); s.src = "url von Bild Nummer 6"; s.text = ""; SLIDES.add_slide(s); </SCRIPT> <body onLoad_fckprotectedatt="%20onLoad%3D%22SLIDES.update()%22"> <IMG src="Aquí URL de tu imagen 1" _fcksavedurl="Aquí URL de tu imagen 1" alt="Recursos Gratis" name="SLIDESIMG" width="590" height="304" border="0" usemap="#SlideMap"><map name="SlideMap"> <area shape="rect" coords="247,235,274,249" href="javascript:SLIDES.goto_slide(5)" _fcksavedurl="javascript:SLIDES.goto_slide(5)" alt="Slide 6"> <area shape="rect" coords="216,235,243,250" href="javascript:SLIDES.goto_slide(4)" _fcksavedurl="javascript:SLIDES.goto_slide(4)" alt="Slide 5"> <area shape="rect" coords="185,235,212,250" href="javascript:SLIDES.goto_slide(3)" _fcksavedurl="javascript:SLIDES.goto_slide(3)" alt="Slide 4"> <area shape="rect" coords="153,235,180,250" href="javascript:SLIDES.goto_slide(2)" _fcksavedurl="javascript:SLIDES.goto_slide(2)" alt="Slide 3"> <area shape="rect" coords="122,235,149,250" href="javascript:SLIDES.goto_slide(1)" _fcksavedurl="javascript:SLIDES.goto_slide(1)" alt="Slide 2"> <area shape="rect" coords="90,235,117,249" href="javascript:SLIDES.goto_slide(0)" _fcksavedurl="javascript:SLIDES.goto_slide(0)" alt="Slide 1"> <area shape="rect" coords="3,3,586,218" href="url von Bild Nummer 1 " _fcksavedurl=" url von Bild Nummer 1 "></map><SCRIPT type="text/javascript">if (document.images) { SLIDES.image = document.images.SLIDESIMG; SLIDES.textid = "SLIDESTEXT"; SLIDES.update();;}</SCRIPT>

Sie müssen nur um die URLs Ihrer Bilder und steckte sie in den Code
Sie können auch die Größe der Bilder in Höhe und Breite

Beitrag22.07.2011 um 20:37 (UTC)    

Wahrscheinlich ein Script und der Bereich wo du die Bilder in die Slideshow setzt(sowas hier z.B.:
<div id="slider">
    <li><img alt="" src="" /></li>
    <li><img alt="" src="" /></li>
    <li><img alt="" src="" /></li>

Warum ist denn der Code so lang.? Ist wahrscheinlich viel unnötiges drin ?!
Gruß Pexxi

Zuletzt bearbeitet von pexxi am 22.07.2011, 21:38, insgesamt einmal bearbeitet
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